AI physiotherapy now available across Lothian region
Anyone registered with a GP practice within the NHS Lothian region can now self-refer directly to a new digital service for AI physiotherapy. No waiting list or GP referral needed; you can start treatment straight away!
The specialist service is being delivered by NHS Lothian’s clinical partner Flok Health and is free for all patients across the region as an NHS service. This service has been deployed as a collaboration between NHS Lothian, Flok Health, and the Health Innovation Southeast Scotland (HISES) Hub.
You’ll get a same-day appointment to assess your back pain, followed by as many digital treatment sessions as you want over a 6-month period.
The appointments are with an AI system, so are available 24/7, with a team of human physiotherapists to answer your questions and provide additional support if you need them. In a recent NHS Lothian trial, 94% of back pain patients using the app reported that it was equivalent to or better than seeing a traditional physiotherapist, and 88% said that their symptoms had improved as a result of the digital treatment.
To get access to the service, just select your region from the list below, and register your details.
You'll be able to download the smartphone app immediately once you've done so.
If you have any questions or would like more help signing up for the service, please contact support@flok.health If you can’t click on the links below, just type the relevant URL into an internet browser: City of Edinburgh
https://referral.flok.health/?gp=east-lothian-self-refer Midlothian –
Children’s Emergency Department at RHCYP
The Emergency Department is located in BioQuarter 2. Please do not attempt access from the main hospital entrance. This information and a map is also available on the RHCYP website: Departments & Services | Royal Hospital for Children and Young People (nhslothian.scot)
Private Provider Requests from 01 July 2024
From 01 July 2024, we will no longer be able to take on prescribing and monitoring of shared-care medications or specialist monitoring of certain medical conditions for ANY patients with a diagnosis made in the private sector. These shared-care medications and/or conditions require specialist monitoring and review, and many such medications are either only licensed for specialist prescribing or prescribed outside their licensed use. Medications prescribed for ADHD, gender incongruence, Isotretinoin for severe acne, monitoring after private bariatric surgery are some examples.
Where a private specialist recommends the prescribing of a non-formulary or unlicensed medication we can only agree to ongoing prescribing if we have experience of the medication requested. If this is not the case, you will be directed back to the private provider for private provision or offered a suitable, formulary-based alternative that is within our remit as NHS GPs.
With regards to a private provider requesting investigation by the GP, the British Medical Association guidance clearly states that investigation should only be arranged through the GP-patient encounter and within the competencies of the GP. With regards to a private provider seeking a GP opinion for appropriateness of a privately provided treatment, again this is not within the NHS-funded duties of a GP. There are many other instances where the request from the private provider may not be accepted, and we will communicate this clearly to the best of our ability.
This is a decision that has been agreed across GP practices in Lothian and supported by the Lothian Local Medical Committee due to capacity and workload issues, the longstanding underfunding in primary care, and the impact of long NHS waiting lists. We appreciate your understanding during these challenging times. We are more than happy to discuss onward NHS referrals in a routine appointment for a second opinion or transfer of care, but we cannot prescribe in the interim period.
Practice Boundary
Private Bloods
Unfortunately we are unable to do a number of private blood tests for services which do not have an agreed shared care protocol. This is in the interests of patient safety. Please do not be offended if your tests are refused.
Register for Online Prescription Ordering
Our new online ordering is available to patients over 16 years. You can:
- Order active repeat prescriptions,
- Order other medication/expired repeats (acutes), and
- View status of request and messages from practice
Complete a form to register for this service and bring it into the practice along with photo ID. You will be contacted when we have updated your details with the link and details you need to place your prescription order.
Please allow 3 working days between ordering and collection.
We would like to reassure our patients that the proposed extraction of GP data by NHS Digital DOES NOT include any patients registered with this practice or in NHS Scotland. NHS Digital provide services in England so are not able to access any data held in Scotland. You are not required to opt out as your data is already safe.
We take patients confidentially extremely seriously and safeguards are in place to protect this, including when data is used for research.
Further information on how NHS Scotland handles your personal information is on the NHS Inform website:
From 24 March 2020, the practice will be closed everyday between 1 - 2pm. The practice opens at 8am and closes at 6pm.
We also offer early morning Nurse Appointments daily from 7:10-8:30am
If you urgently need to speak to a GP between 1 - 2pm Mon - Fri, please call - 07541 323 703.