CTAC bookings
Community Treatment and Care (CTAC)
Some services have moved away from general practice to community teams.
Services delivered by Community Treatment and Care Edinburgh include but are not limited to:
- Wound Care - Basic and complex
- Suture and Clip removal
- Unscheduled Vaccinations
- Doppler ABPI
- Ear Irrigation and pre audiology appointment check
- Routine catheter changes for Non-Housebound patients as well as Trial Without Catheter (TWOC)
Phone CTAC on 0300 790 6296 to make an appointment/inquire about any of the above services.
Edinburgh CTACS are located in multiple hubs across the city, at the following locations:
- Sighthill Health Centre
- South Queensferry Medical Practice
- Parkgrove Medical Practice
- Pennywell All Care Centre
- Stockbridge Health Centre
- Leith Community Treatment Centre
- Allermuir Health Centre
- Conan Doyle Medical Practice
- Mountcastle Health Centre
- Tollcross Health Centre
- Gracemount Health Centre
Edinburgh CTACS offer a patient-focused booking system, meaning Edinburgh patients can access any of the clinics providing a more convenient service.